CHAI Kang-ni1, WANG Yu-fan2, FENG Chang-chun2
1. College of Urban Economics and Public Administration, Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing 100070, China; 2. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Abstract:With the establishment of a housing system which emphasizes both renting and buying, how to meet the demand of internal migrants for rental housing becomes the key to realize the new urbanization. Based on the four indicators of amount, pressure, willingness and gap, we evaluated the rental housing consumption level of migrants from different dimensions, examined its spatial pattern among 283 cities, and identified influencing factors at both city and individual levels through hierarchical linear models. It is found that the overall level of rental housing consumption of migrants is low, with a small amount of rent, light pressure and low willingness of migrants, and a large gap with the formal rental housing market. There are significant spatial differences in the distribution among cities. Cities with high and low levels of rental consumption are gathered in Jiangsu-Shandong-Henan-Anhui junction areas and the urban agglomerations along the south-eastern coasts, respectively. The rental housing consumption level of migrants is mainly affected by their personal attributes such as migration distance, willingness to obtain hukou, and the degree of social integration. The characteristics of cities in terms of demographic structure, public services and housing costs influence the effects of the above-mentioned individual attributes on rental housing consumption level by changing the willingness and ability of migrants to purchase housing.
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